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thixopropic porcelain

updated wed 9 dec 98


Barb Lund on tue 8 dec 98

Hi, somehwere long ago I copied this out of what I thought was an old
Nelson book, but going back, I can't find it. It looked like something
I'dl like to play with some day but of course never have.

Thixotropic Porcelain ^5
Kentucky Ball Clay 25
spodume 15
Kona #4 spar 15
Epk 15
silica 10
Ferro Frit 3110 20

Made in slip form and aged a long time. Stretch and fold clay til becomes
semi-fluid, then work into shape that can be draped over mold. when begins
to set up, can pull and twist shapes from it "Carol Jeanne Abraham"

other Barb in Bloomington