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uneven heating electric kiln

updated sun 15 nov 98


Frank L. Helme on sat 14 nov 98

A long time ago in Clayart time I posted a message asking for advice about
my uneven heating Bailey 3.3 cu. ft. electric kiln. The bottom of the kiln
was a bit more than half a cone colder even with the bottom element. I got
good advice to load the kiln with heavier pieces at the top, to use a split
shelf on the bottom, and "that's just what they do". I lived with the
situation by putting colder glazes on the bottom or manually adjusting the
"infinite" switches for top and bottom. After my elements got tired, I
decided to get new elements from Euclid's Elements and explain my problem.
They said "no problem" and made my bottom elements put out more heat and my
top ones less heat. I also had to change the bottom switch because the
original one was maxed out. Results: the bottom of my kiln is now hotter
and I can go back to a solid shelf. I still have to use the switches some
when holding the final temperature for a soak, but the kiln works much
better. I really appreciated the help I got from Euclid's Elements.

frank helme in upstate NY