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vacuum cleaner compressors/moving

updated mon 21 sep 98


Stephani Stephenson on sun 20 sep 98

I've never heard of an actual vacuum cleaner being used as an air
compressor but the following information may be of use:
I once worked with a painter who used an air compressor unlike the
typical 'tank' style sounded just like a vaccuum
cleaner and delivered air directly. without use of any air
storage/compresor. I never used it with glazes and don't remember it
having a pressure guage but it was quite handy...very lightweight ,
small and quite troublefree. You could just plug it in and begin. I
think it was a 'Capspray 8000" compressor and it was purchased from a
commercial paint supply shop such as Sherwin Williams, etc. purchased
for use with a Wagner Spray gun.
Stephani Stephenson
Missoula, MT

p.s. I'm leaving my beautiful Montana. I'll be joining Terry Sullivan
and the crew at the Nottingham Center for the Arts in San Marcos,
California. I'm very ex-i-tated about it. I'm sure, however that the
gods giggle everytime they watch a potter/sculptor move their STUFF!
If you see me headed south on kind!