David McBeth on thu 8 oct 98
I watched someone at a craft show this weekend making little jars and she
started with a square of clay cut right from the bag. No wedging, no
Cheryl Litman
Somerset, NJ
email: cheryllitman@juno.com
Sure, while I agree that wedging is preferable as a means to prepare clay
for throwing; I have found that the commercially prepared clay I get from
Standard Ceramics is ready to throw from the bag. That really makes life
nice when doing demos at Crafts fairs. I ususally have enough crap to lug
to those events, pots, tables, diplays, clay, wheel tools, ware boards and
sometimes even water.
David McBeth, MFA
Associate Professor of Art
330 B Gooch Hall
University of Tennessee at Martin
Martin, TN 38238
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