Bruce Girrell on wed 28 oct 98
Amy Gossett posted a note about her wistlemaking website but her URL
got trashed in the process of making it to my computer. The tilde
before coolpotter got changed to =7E in one of those famous
=some-gabage-caracters conversions.
I don't know if that is the way it showed up for everyone else, but
here is the correct URL for Amy's site:
I know that now and then people get messages where characters have been
converted to an equals sign fillowed by a pair of numbers of a number and
a letter. I thought I might post a translation guide just in case you happen
to receive a message containing some of those mysterious symbols.
Code Character Description (just in case my characters get scambled)
---- --------- -----------
=09 Tab Tab character
=21 ! Exclamation mark
=22 " Double quote
=23 # pound sign, number sign, that tic-tac-toe thingy
=24 $ Dollar sign
=25 % Percent
=26 & Ampersand
=27 ' Single quote
=28 ( Left parenthesis
=29 ) Right parenthesis
=2A * Asterisk
=2B + Plus
=2C , Comma
=2D - Minus
=2E . Period
=2F / Slash, forward slash
=3A : Colon
=3B ; Semicolon
=3C < Less than, left angle bracket
=3D = Equals sign
=3E > Greater than, right angle bracket
=3F ? Question mark
=40 @ At sign
=5B [ Left square bracket
=5C \ Backslash
=5D ] Right square bracket
=5E ^ Caret (cone for Clayarters)
=5F _ Underscore, underbar
=60 ` Left accent (not sure of the correct name)
=7B { Left curly bracket
=7C | Vertical bar, change bar
=7D } Right curly bracket
=7E ~ Tilde
Bruce "just thought it might be handy" Girrell
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