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woodfire/ mfa

updated thu 26 nov 98


Stephani Stephenson on tue 24 nov 98

The University of Montana in Missoula offers an MFA and the ceramics
dept. harbors an anagama kiln, located just out of town.
Also the University of Oregon Ceramics Dept. , Eugene, features a
nborigama and I believe one or two other woodfire kilns. My info is a
few years old on the U of O , but they did offer a very satisfying
variety of kilns and firing methods for the pyro-inclined grad student!

Donn Buchfinck on wed 25 nov 98

Penn st. has two wood kilns
one designed on the Ruggles and Rankin model
and one large kiln built like a small anagama
it's a great program as long as you can take the obiwan kanobi / darth vader
personality of the head of the department
Jack troy lives about 45 minutes from Penn St. and I think he enjoys having
some of the students around
I think this is a great program to be in

2 year program
they pay for it
you get a stipend to teach

Donn Buchfinck