Russel Fouts on fri 15 jan 99
From: Edupage, 14 January 1999
Follett Corporation, which runs many campus bookstores, has launched a new
Web site containing complete book lists from more than
450 higher education institutions. The company is planning a $10-million ad
campaign to promote its online business, and hopes to up the number of
institutions it covers to 585 by the end of February. The company also
hopes to negotiate partnerships with independent bookstores at colleges and
universities, offering to become their online ordering site in exchange for
a commission on the electronic sales. Follett competitors Wallace's College
Bookstores and Barnes & Noble College Bookstores also plan to go online in
the next few months. (Chronicle of Higher Education 15 Jan 99)
Looks pretty good. You can browse by category (all the usual univercity
categories) or search author, ISBN or title. Pottery and ceramics are under
Fine Art / Misc. :-(
New and Used books are available (clay doesn't seem to be discounted much).
RHODES CLAY & GLAZES FOR THE POTTER REV $ 31.95 (new) $ 23.96 (used)
They have a few wrinkles to iron out; the page only displays 5 books at a
time, it's not really clear how you make your purchase
Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
32 2 223 02 75
Grant me the Senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
The good fortune to run into the ones I do
And the eyesight to tell the difference.
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