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niche award photographers

updated fri 12 dec 97


Wendy Rosen on thu 11 dec 97

Every now and then people ask us for a list of good slide or product
photographers... here is a list of all the photographers for artists
who made it as Finalists for the 1998 Niche Awards. The award ceremony
will be help February 15 6pm at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Public
Invited. For information call 410/889-3093 or email. Niche Awards will be
presented in all media categories to Students and Professional Artists.

Good luck to all the finalists=21

=3E'98 NICHE Finalists Photographers
=3E40 East Second
=3EBox 1409
=3ENederland, CO 80466
=3EBill Bachhuber
=3EPortland, OR
=3EChristopher Autio
=3E111 South Grand Suite 226
=3EBozeman, MT 59715
=3EDana Davis
=3E1556 Milvia St =23A
=3EBerkeley, CA 94709
=3EDave Marlow
=3EAABC Suite J
=3EAspen, CO 81611
=3Efax 970.925.7264
=3EGregory R. Staley
=3E8011 Takoma Ave
=3ESilver Spring, MD 20910
=3EJohn Russell
=3E139 Henry Way
=3ELinden, VA 22642
=3Efax 540.622.6282
=3EJohn Stines
=3EJonathan Wallen
=3E41 Lewis Parkway
=3EYonkers, NY10705
=3Efax 914.476.8677
=3ELarry Joubert
=3Efax 617.447.1178
=3ELee Balgemann
=3E725 Monroe Ave
=3ERiver Forest, IL 60305-1905
=3Efax 708.771.9432
=3ERalph Gabriner
=3E30 Madeline Parkway
=3EYonkers, NY 10705
=3ERick Luettke
=3E6728 Addington Lane
=3ESylvania, OH 43560
=3ERobert Diamante
=3EBox 5042
=3EPortland, ME 04101
=3E207.874.0587 (ph/fax)
=3EThomas Ames Jr.
=3E85 Mechanic St
=3EPO Box 481
=3ELebanon, New Hampshire 03766
=3EYves Malo
=3E6964 rue Delanaudi=E9re
=3EMontr=E9al, Qu=E9bec H2E 1X9
=3ELinda McCormick=3C=3EThe Rosen Group
=3EBuyers Market of American Craft
=3E3000 Chestnut Ave., Suite 300, Baltimore MD 21211
=3E410.889.2933 ext. 222 - fax 410.889.1320 -

Wendy Rosen
The Rosen Group
Niche =26 AmericanStyle Magazines

3000 Chestnut Ave =23304 Baltimore, MD 21211
Voice: 410/889-3093 Fax: 410/243-7089