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updated fri 22 jan 99


chris cox on thu 21 jan 99

Geoff Cox, Stoddahgate Barn, Penruddock, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 0RY.
Tel : (UK) 017684 83820


Is it the money that motivates potters to enter competitions ?
Do potters enter competitions expecting to win ? Is the verdict of the
jury accepted with equanimity by all ?
In deciding to address some of these questions I put out a
request through Clayart in 1998 for entries to a themed Cyber-Space
ceramics competition. There would be little or no prize money but all
the entries would be exhibited on the internet for a full year. 120
potters entered images of their work to the theme" Sacred Container ".
Only those entering work were allowed to vote. The winners were as

First Steve Ogden U.K.

Second Pamela Cavaliere U.S.A.

Joint Third Marc Adriaenssens Belgium
Roger Lewis U.K.
Keith Dawdry U.K.

The winners along with all the other entries can be seen on the
competition pages at -

To my knowledge this was the first cyber-space competition of
its kind, and certainly the first in the U.K. The interesting thing was
that everyone seemed to enjoy taking part in the event and no one
queried the lack of prize money. Several asked what the next theme would
be even before the they judged the first.
Maybe potters enter competitions primarily to put their work in
front of their peers and having opened their souls for scrutiny would
want to be on an equal footing with the jury.

This year s theme is " LIGHTING THE WAY " - into the new
millenium. The piece or pieces should be some form of lantern, the only
restriction being that illumination is created by a burning wick
[candle, oil, etc. ].

It will be interesting to see if the number taking part this
year grows. The lack of sponsorship might in fact be a bonus as there
are no external interests and for once we have a level playing field.

For further information & details of how to submit an image:-
chris & geoff cox

chris & geoff cox