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paper clay and shrinkage

updated sat 23 jan 99


Linda Blossom on thu 21 jan 99

I had noticed that in one of the posts the person stated that paper clay
does not shrink from wet to dry. I don't know about the slip version,
however, if you add pulp to your clay, it does shrink. It can in fact
shrink more from wet to dry than usual because of when the fibers dry, they
loose volume.

I have bought a paper shredder in order to shred my own paper. This way, I
know that I am not putting in plastic windows from envelopes or laser paper
which I was getting with paper from offices. I use paper that I get in the
mail or generate with the computer. I purchased a cross cut shredder than
makes thinner, short pieces of paper that are about 3" long. Using this, I
am able to just add the paper directly with the clay ingredients without
mixing it with water and making the pulp first. Dannon had first mentioned
doing this but it took a lot longer to break the longer strands down and my
mixer eats kilowatts.

Linda Blossom

2366 Slaterville Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850