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flap sanders, respirators, slip trailers, and other goodies

updated wed 27 jan 99


Bruce Girrell on tue 26 jan 99

Anyone, at least in the U.S., who owns a mailbox knows that we have no
shortage of catalogs and there is one, believe it or not devoted entirely to
sandpaper and associated stuff called Klingspor's Sanding Catalog. They
carry flap sanders and flutter sheets in a number of configurations. Someone
else was asking about respirators and they have them also.

They have a number of other things that may be of use to the ceramics
community -
1) HEPA air filters suitable for cleaning the air of entire rooms.
2) Glue dispensers including those little accordion-like squeeze bottles
with a thin spout that make great slip trailers.
3) Oddly shaped sanding blocks, especially designed for getting into tight
4) A little disk/belt sander with a 5" disk and a 1" by 30" belt that I find
perfect for sharpening trimming tools.
5) Microplanes - also known as Surform (TM) files - good for shaping leather
hard clay.
6) Rubber mats to cushion those hard concrete studio floors.

The address is:

Klingspor Corporation
P.O. Box 5069
Hickory, NC 28603-5069

1-800-228-0000 (Voice - yes, the number is correct)
1-800-872-2005 (FAX)
001-828-327-7263 (Voice - outside US)

Oh, they sell sandpaper, too.

Bruce "happy to answer a question instead of always asking" Girrell

P.S. Another woodworking product that I find particularly useful in pottery
is small diamond sharpening "stones". They are great for grinding off those
little sharp points that seem to show up randomly on the surface of pots.
Larger diamond stones are available that could be used to grind the foot of
a pot or to smooth things up after the grinder has finished the hard work in
removing a glaze drip.