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switching to antural gas for raku firing

updated fri 29 jan 99


doug shea on wed 27 jan 99

Hey kiln and raku people,
The community studio that I work and sometimes teach at is
trying to switch from firing with propane tanks to natural gas for Raku
firing. We have started talking to the local gas suppliers (NYSEG)
about running a line from the building to outside. We will have some
kind of a lock on it to keep it secure, and would like to have a
quick-connect attatchment on it for ease in set up and break down.

The questions we have are these:

What type of hardware will we need?
Will we need to change the venturi burner?
Will it fire the same way?
Should we get a pressure gauge for it? (We now go by the sound
and look of the flame with the propane tanks. Highly unscientific, I
know, but it gets us there.)
How many PSI should flow through the outlet from the building?
What size hose?
Anything else?

We're hoping to switch to natural gas for several reasons:
It will be cheaper.
No more discovering that ast night's class did a raku
firing and no one has refilled the tanks.
No more trips to the store for propane.
The propane store tells us that the tanks out now are
going to be phased out soon, meaning we'll need to buy new tanks soon.
We're part of a non-profit organization and think NYSEG
is going to donate the set up. We already have gas to the building for
our gas kiln.

Answers to any or all of these questions would be gretly appreciated.

Roberson Museum and Science Center & I thank you,

Jim Shea

Marc Ward on thu 28 jan 99


You asked a lot of good questions. First let me tell you there is considerable
difference in the two fuels, burner orifices, delivery pressures, piping size,
meter capacity, ect. Generally, you are not going to be able to switch without
modifications or additional burners. Please feel free to give us a call to
discuss your situation.

Marc Ward
Ward Burner Systems
PO Box 333
Dandridge, TN 37725
423.397.2914 voice
423.397.1253 fax

Marcia Selsor on thu 28 jan 99

I switched to natural gas for raku more than years ago for the same
reasons. Using "bent elbow pipe, sort of "alfred"burners.I don't use a
gauge, just gentle fire and spinning disc. These burners came with this
kiln CKC kiln I got used from a Comm. College in Wyo. -lined it with
fiber and put a swinging door on it.
I would recommend getting or making burners for natural gas- different
size orifice. I use venturis or these natural draft burners without
gauges. They work fine.
Marcia in Montana

doug shea wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hey kiln and raku people,
> The community studio that I work and sometimes teach at is
> trying to switch from firing with propane tanks to natural gas for Raku
> firing. We have started talking to the local gas suppliers (NYSEG)
> about running a line from the building to outside. We will have some
> kind of a lock on it to keep it secure, and would like to have a
> quick-connect attatchment on it for ease in set up and break down.
> The questions we have are these:
> What type of hardware will we need?
> Will we need to change the venturi burner?
> Will it fire the same way?
> Should we get a pressure gauge for it? (We now go by the sound
> and look of the flame with the propane tanks. Highly unscientific, I
> know, but it gets us there.)
> How many PSI should flow through the outlet from the building?
> What size hose?
> Anything else?
> We're hoping to switch to natural gas for several reasons:
> It will be cheaper.
> No more discovering that ast night's class did a raku
> firing and no one has refilled the tanks.
> No more trips to the store for propane.
> The propane store tells us that the tanks out now are
> going to be phased out soon, meaning we'll need to buy new tanks soon.
> We're part of a non-profit organization and think NYSEG
> is going to donate the set up. We already have gas to the building for
> our gas kiln.
> Answers to any or all of these questions would be gretly appreciated.
> Roberson Museum and Science Center & I thank you,
> Jim Shea

Marcia Selsor