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cone 04 clear glaze for warren

updated sun 7 feb 99


Maridel Crawford-Brown on sat 6 feb 99

Here are a couple of lower fired oxidation clear recipes. I have tried the
first one on recycled M340 from Plainsmen and other mixed in dark clays as
well as on laguna B, fired at cone 04 and it works well.
(recipes via Lorraine Sutter)

Tim's/Worthington's clear Cone 06-2
Gersley borate (or colemanite) 55 (I used G,B,)
EPK 30
Flint 15

here are some others I have not tried yet:
Ann' s waxy clear Cone 04-03
Frit 3292 80
flint 5
Whiting 10
for white add tin oxide 5
or zircopax 10

Deb's clear Cone 04-02
frit 3134 30
frit 3195 45
EPK 25
(use thinly or it goes cloudy and may crawl.)
Hope these help