Jane Helden-Baker on wed 10 feb 99
I am trying to find the formula for mocha ware. Someone told me to boil the
tabacco for 2 hrs. and let it sit for 2 days. Then I was to ad vinger but how
much! Any help would be apprciated. This is my frist post to clayart, I have
been potting off and on for 25 years. Thanks
Andrew Lubow on thu 11 feb 99
Boil (at a low simmer) 25 grams of tobacco in a pint of water for 40
minutes. Sieve through a 200 mesh sieve. Add either 30 grams of RIO or
Manganese Oxide. (A friend also has used cobalt oxide). The mixture can be
stored if refrigerated but has to be reseived before it's use.
Andy Lubow
Email: Disneylover@msn.com
"Live every day like it was your last. Someday you'll be right!!"
Benny Hill
-----Original Message-----
From: Jane Helden-Baker
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 1999 9:29 AM
Subject: formula for mocha ware
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I am trying to find the formula for mocha ware. Someone told me to boil
>tabacco for 2 hrs. and let it sit for 2 days. Then I was to ad vinger but
>much! Any help would be apprciated. This is my frist post to clayart, I
>been potting off and on for 25 years. Thanks
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