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sealing terra cotta

updated sun 14 feb 99


Peter Atwood on sat 13 feb 99


The reason milk would work to clog up the pores
is that it contains a protein called casein. The
casein is also the basis for the historic finish
known as milk paint. Milk paint is actually pretty
good stuff, it dries to a very hard and reasonably
impervious finish and so was a good choice for the
early settlers. Makes sense that it would seal pots
but I don't know if it would last in say, an oil
lamp or for that matter a fountain.

--Peter Atwood

you wrote:

From: Georg =?iso-8859-1?Q?R=F8nning?=
Subject: Re: waterproofing terra cotta????

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I have had som problems re. leaking pots, and tried a lots of remedies
some rather expensive - but learned a trick they used in potteries for
many years with success.

Simply pour milk in the pot, abt. 10 cm up, and put the pot away for
days. If you place the pot on some paper, you can move it and see the
reduction in leak for yourself from day to day. Dont bother the smell
after some days. When you are satisfied, emty the pot, clean with
water, and that's it.

I have used this trick for some years, and it works, dont ask why!

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