C. A. Sanger on fri 19 feb 99
All this talk of texture for rolling out slabs made me think of sharing
something I do. Carry a clay 'sketch box' with you wherever you go.
Textures are everywhere, and you may encounter one you want to take back
to the studio with you. I use a standard plastic sandwich box with
tight lid. Put tiles of damp clay in thin sandwich bags in the box, and
some small wads of moist clay. Add a pencil, a couple small paper
sheets, and extra sandwich bags. When you find a texture, 'capture' it
with the tiles or a bit of clay. Use the pencil to jot location notes,
or other info, and to number the tile/clay sample. If you find small
interesting specimens, bag them and bring them back. If you want to
save the clay impressions indefinitely, fire and file them.
Add whatever tools, etc. you like to your sketch box. (A small pen
knife is good for cutting plant samples.) Never leave home without it!
C. A. Sanger
Kansas, USA
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