Richard Selfridge on thu 4 mar 99
Carol and I only have two "Leach" (standard ware from the pottery, very
early 70's) pots in our collection. One is a delightful temmo wine cup
which is glazed all over except for the wiped off foot rim. The other is a
"coupe" plate which has a squared raised flat rim. Only the well or inside
working surface is glazed. These plates were fired rim to rim and stacked
and thus the need to show off the "bare" body. Nudity justified by process.
I think Bernard mostly liked pots with their clothes on, but no surprise
from a guy who threw with a tie on.
Hope to visit with folks in Athens and Columbus,
Richard Selfridge (hoping we win the $15,000 "lottery" (one in 53 chance)
in Shepparton, Australia March 12th. (in your dreams Richard) Picture is on
our web site.
>Are we to infer from this that those of us who leave some clay "bare" have
>inhibitions about nudity than those that completely cover their pots with a
>"sophisticated multiplicity" of glazes and therefore are more inclined to not
>expose themselves? Hmmmmm.
>Now that's a subject for the semioticians among us---if there are any.
>Seems to me that Leach would have loved to go to one of those spas where they
>completely cover you in hot mud.........
>Sandy D, who is working too late at her day job, and is desparately
yearning for
>the studio....
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