Jeanne Melchior on tue 23 mar 99
I would love to hug shirly who wrote about not wanting to go the clayart
room because she didn't like parties for the "in-crowd". She IS part of
the "in crowd". Clayart isn't just a few people--it's everybody. This was
my first NCECA , and I had the misfortune of getting sick and missing much
of what went on. (I'm now home in my jammies, still feeling like crap).
My major regret is that I didn't have the energy to talk to all the great
people in the clayart room who seemed to be interested in real people and
what they made--and not in superficialities. I love this list because I
feel I tune in to the pulse of what really matters, and I have learned so
much over the last few years, that I would have loved to have told all the
individuals there how much difference they have made in my life. But I
pretty much sat and stared at the ceiling in a fevered stupor, and so I'm
saying this now. And just sitting in the room with all of you made me feel
a little bit better. Only now I'll have to go again, poor tra
veller that i am. And then I can meet even more of you--and be my better
self--and fully appreciate the wonderful diversity of the people who make
up clayart. Go, girl. You will not feel left out.
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