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glazes by lana wilson

updated mon 29 mar 99


Hanne Bjorklund on fri 26 mar 99

I am interested in reading Lana Wilson's book(s) and the spiral notebook
that has been mentioned a few times. Her work sounds really exciting and
Is there someone out there in ClayLand who is able to give me the titles
and ISBN numbers of her book(s) and a contact for the notebook? My search
at the local library came up with nothing, even with expert help.

Karen Shapiro on sat 27 mar 99

Hi Hanna,

I have Lana's "handout notebook" (and find it a very interesting and valuable
book); in the book, she gives these contact addresses: Lana Wilson, 465
Hidden Pines Lane, Del Mar, CA 92014. Telephone: 619 755-3940; fax 619
755-3449; email:

Hope this helps,
Karen in Sonoma

Anne Hunt on sun 28 mar 99

Hi, Hanne
I believe Lana Wilson published her first book, at least, herself. If
this is the spiral-bound book you're looking for, that may explain why you
can't find the ISBN, 'cause there isn't one. The book I have is "Ceramics:
Shape and Surface", published in 1995; it's a compilation of Lana's ceramics
class handouts over the years.
I purchased the book at a pottery supply---buying may be your only
option. If your pottery shop doesn't have a copy, you could probably obtain
one from Lana herself:
Lana Wilson
465 Hidden Pines Lane,
Del Mar, CA 92014
FAX (619) 755-3449

Luck, anne and the cats
Is there someone out there in ClayLand who is able to give me the titles
>and ISBN numbers of her book(s) and a contact for the notebook? My search
>at the local library came up with nothing, even with expert help.