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tom coleman workshop - chicagoland

updated wed 31 mar 99


Fabienne Cassman on sun 28 mar 99

Tom Coleman is having a workshop April 24 =26 25, 1999 at the Oakton
Community College on Golf Road in Des Plaines, IL.

According to the flyer, he will be demonstrating his throwing techniques,
including platters, large jars and the assembly of thrown parts to create
unique forms. He will discuss the aspects of working with porcelain, the
formulation and production of porcelain bodies and his methods of
decorating. There will also be slides of past and present work, a talk on
marketing an individual's work, how to take good photos and how to present
them for admittance in shows.

Call 847.635.1900 for registration (college number). This workshop is
co-hosted with Great Lakes Clay and Supply

PS Just passing this along=3B I have no interests invested in this venture.

Yes, I have learned from my mistakes...
I can reproduce them exactly.

Wendy Neilson on tue 30 mar 99

I've been lucky enough to attend a couple of Tom Coleman's workshop. They
are truly one of a kind... if you have a chance, and there is room GO!!
You'll learn tons no matter what your skill level...happy potting!

Pots & Paints Studio
1036 Munro Street
Victoria, BC
Can. V9A 5N9