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arrowmont ecuador trip

updated tue 30 mar 99


ARTMOLIN@ACS.EKU.EDU on mon 29 mar 99


Just thought I'd pass along some of the latest information about the
trip to Ecuador this summer which is sponsored by the Arrowmont School
of Arts & Crafts. Bill Griffith and myself will lead this tour which
takes place from July 17-31. The cost of $1850 out of Miami includes
all the air, land and boat transportation, hotel, as well as 21 meals
throughout the two week tour.

This trip, while having a focus on the crafts of Ecuador, will be of
particular interest to potters. We will visit pottery villages,
studios, as well as work alongside the Quichua Indians in the upper
Amazon basin region learning their interesting pottery making
techniques. Each person will have an opportunity to bring home works
that they make on site as well as purchasing individual pieces along
the way. This 'workshop' setting in the jungle is quite unique and one
that offers a keen insight into the pottery making process of the indians
who live anfd work in the Amazon.

Other areas of interest on this trip will allow for us to view artists
making items such as panama hats/baskets, woodworking, blacksmithing to
name only a few. In the jungle we will also have demonstrations on the
making of blowguns, dugout canoes and shigras (net bags made from parts
of the palm leaf).

In addition, there will be ample time to visit museums along the way as
well as local markets in nearby towns and villages. But, I want to
emphasize again the extra attention on this trip given to seeing pottery
in Ecuador. A real treat!

Anyone wishing information on this trip should contact Bill Griffith at
Arrowmont (423) 436-5860 or e-mail him at arrowmnt@AOL.COM


feel free to contact me directly either by phone (606) 622-1634 or
e-mail ( for more information.

There is a limited amount of people allowed on this trip and as of
today there are only 5 spaces remaining.



Joe Molinaro INTERNET:
Department of Art BITNET: artmolin@eku
Eastern Kentucky University VOICE: (606) 622-1634
Richmond, KY 40475