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charcoal for japanese potter

updated mon 5 apr 99


John Baymore on sun 4 apr 99


I've had a request from a colleague to see if I could find a source for
a particular kind of charcoal. A guest artist (coming from Japan) will be
doing a workshop, I'm told, using =22charcoal that is still in the shape of
the limbs from which it was made=22.



Hi. It was great seeing you at NCECA.

If the charcoal this Japanese artist is looking for is for the firing
process..... you'll need it in pretty large quantities. Takes a bunch
stoked into the kiln at the right time. What you describe seems like very
small quantities.

This type of real wood charcoal is still produced in many parts of rural
Japan by hand. I saw many charcoal oven/kilns firing (smouldering is
probably the better term) in the Mashiko and Motegi area as well as in the
Shigaraki area.

I understand that the bourbon makers in the southern US still make such
charcoal for processing the booze. Maybe someone down in those parts has a
source for shipping some to you. Call Johnnie Walker =3Cg=3E????



John Baymore
River Bend Pottery
22 Riverbend Way
Wilton, NH 03086 USA
