Anthony Allison on mon 5 apr 99
Hi Everyone
You know, the older I get the more hazy is my comprehension of this issue. I
observe people working in what I feel is an art vein, calling themselves
craftsmen, and other people working in an identical idiom calling themselves
To my notion it ironically seems to come down to these days to the notion
that those who buy art do so to assert that they are more intelligent or
more hip than everyone else , and those who buy craft do so to
laud to their contemporaries because of the painstaking effort and skill
apparent in the work, how rich they are to be able to afford such a lavish
I hate to think of myself as a mere "smugmobile" --makes a person want to
leave the work in the field for the birds enjoyment.
I would sure like to hear what your notion of what craft or art is. Is there
truly a fundamental difference? Can people working in a similiar style be
both artist and craftsman?
To aviod our work becoming a hood ornament on the newest mercedes, I remain
Truly Yours,
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