Ruth Ballou on wed 7 apr 99
I'm forwarding this announcement for a friend who is not yet online. Feel
free to pass it along to anyone who might be interested.
Ruth Ballou
Silver Spring, MD
Press Release
The Society of American Mosaic Artists is a non porfit organization
dedicated to the promotion of mosaic art and the development of mosaic
artists through research , education, networking, and presentation. We
have received our first small grants award for our provisional
organizational phase and as part of our organizational network, are
collecting information for our database on people who have an artistic,
professional, or academic interest in the art of mosaic. If you would like
to be included in our network for future mailings, then please send a 3 x 5
post card with your name and address to:
P.O. Box 428
Orangeburg, SC 29116
Please indicate whether you are an artist, supplier, or academician.
Postcards that include an image of your work are especially welcome.
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