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consignment and magnets for pain

updated sat 10 apr 99


joe & lisa cecere on fri 9 apr 99

Well....I'm sure we could all trash a few gallery people...and enjoy doing
it. .But, I have to say somthing good's my new approach ... say
somthing bad....try to say something good. I sent the bad out yesterday.
Good today.

I have been consigning with the "Society of Arts and Crafts" in Boston for
many years...they sell consignment on the first floor and have a gallery on
the second. This happens to be one of , if not the oldest crafts gallery in
the country. So they have a very good reputation. I have shown in both
areas. Never has a payment been late...the end of each month...checks go
out. Work comes back packed properly. And ...they are always a pleasure to
deal with.

This is no "MOM & POP operation....

But, it's hard to find good gallery representation...since many of the good
ones will only seek you get your stuff out to as many faces as you find the right people to sell your work. And come out and name
names when your asking we can put in our 2 $.

For my severe back/neck pain...I recently taped on some small magnets..each
with a graus of 12,000. (thats the strength). In seconds I felt it
working...within a day the pain was relieved. Is it a cure...probally
not...However, having relief from the pain seems to be allowing my body to
heal, I am regaining alot of movement in my neck and it seems to have
effected my dream state...having wonderful, colorful vivid dreams...waking
up much more rested. So far I'm thrilled with them...but will plan on
physical therapy to insure this cronic problem does'nt take over my life.

Teaching to I'm dreaming of spending time in the studio...just
me and my stuff. Lisa

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Carlton
Date: Thursday, April 08, 1999 4:48 AM
Subject: Re: consignment

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
everybody here knows my views on consigning work to is not
on and your experience herb is a perfect illustration to support my argument
cheers Ray Carlton

McMahons Creek Victoria Australia