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cowley wheelhead

updated mon 12 apr 99


C J TRIPP on fri 9 apr 99

I need some help please. The wheelhead on my Cowley wheel is cockeyed.
Everything thrown is about 3mm higher on one side. It's really hard to deal
with this pronouced undulation - feels like trying to drive a car with one
very bad tire. I get where I want to go but it's an awful ride. Thanks in
advance for any advice. CJ in Dubai where it is 10am and already 40C!

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Mason Batchelder on sat 10 apr 99

Dear CJ,
I don't suppose you have tried to put a level on the actual wheel haed and
table to see if the surface upon which it sits is unlevel.I went out in
publlic in many places and before I got home I would notice the unlevel pots
resulted when I'd forgotten to make that adjustment.Shiims under the
legs/feet of the wheel help.The other problem might be if you use plaster
bats that were poured on an unlevel surface.Another time my wheel got
tipped over in transit and the shaft to the head was injured(BENT) and I
had to replace it(THE WHOLE HEAD WAS 1 PIECE).
Sometimes a machine shop can straighten the main shaft.I had a VOLKSWAGON
shop here fix me up once.
Good luck.
Margaret Arial in LEXINGTON,S.C.(100 miles south of NCECA 2001 site)

Bill Williams on sun 11 apr 99

When I had this problem, someone told me to hit the wheel with a rubber
hammer right at the spot where it comes up. This didn't work for me, but it
did help just a little. Sometimes I think it's the darn bat. I think they
can get cockeyed too. Connie
-----Original Message-----
Date: Friday, April 09, 1999 10:29 AM
Subject: Cowley wheelhead

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I need some help please. The wheelhead on my Cowley wheel is cockeyed.
Everything thrown is about 3mm higher on one side. It's really hard to deal
with this pronouced undulation - feels like trying to drive a car with one
very bad tire. I get where I want to go but it's an awful ride. Thanks in
advance for any advice. CJ in Dubai where it is 10am and already 40C!

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