Beth Yeatman Spindler on fri 9 apr 99
At a workshop last spring.....made a bowl ....with a hump mold??
anyway...left it out in the sun....yes.....distracted by everything else
going on around me and trying to take it all in....anyway....went out to get
bowl and it had cracked in four parts......hopeless, the instructor said.....
but I could not part with that bowl...had done some appliques? on
was my, borrowed MAGIC WATER from a potter next to me....he
swore by it......receipe in Lana Wilson's book....will send to whoever is
and it took a while to put it back together and the instructor
was a little wary of firing it....but after decorating it with
underglazes...this was earthenware by the way....she fired it and it held
together and then I put a clear glaze on and fired far so
fruit seems to enjoy it.... :)
also.....made some mugs with pvc pipe and used telephone book yellow pages
between clay and pipe....worked great.....easily removed.....
just thought I would pass on......forgive me if I have repeated
someone....been away from clayart for a while....death in family.....but
spring blooms eternal.....
Cvlle, VA
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