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texas clay arts association website is back in action

updated sat 10 apr 99


Stephanie Thomas on fri 9 apr 99

Hello. After a couple of false starts, and still needing some improvement,
the website for the Texas Clay Arts Association is back in action. Please
take a look if you have a minute.... link suggestions would be greatly

Also, our first and second newsletters are now available on the website.

TCAA currently has 68 dues paying members statewide. I have been mailing
copies of the newsletters to over 300 folks to try and increase our
membership. Unfortunately, this is going to have to stop as it gets very
expensive. As I said, the first two newsletters are available for viewing
and printing online. We will be posting the 3rd newsletter (May/June issue)
before the end of the month and are still trying to decide whether or not to
make it generally available on the web..... wouldn't be fair to dues payers.
I did email the last two to many folks as well, but received quite a few
complaints about download time.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Hope to see some of you in San Angelo next weekend for their 14th Annual
Clay Symposium!
