Tracy Monson on fri 9 apr 99
i too have had a similar experience to fabienne's, and can definitely relate!
although i started learning pottery (throwing, glazes, etc) about 7 years
ago, i only recently set up my own little studio, and am SLOWLY trying to
"master" various forms/processes....progress in made in small "leaps"
(throw throw throw garbage; slurry bucket; aha! a keeper after 100
'bombs'.) i don't keep anything either, that isn't worthy of firing (i learned
this from my sensei in japan--i couldn't quite understand at the time why
he couldn't let me keep i know!)
it's such a wonderful thrill after plugging away at the wheel to experience
'perfect' harmony, balance, centeredness...just last, a small
i, too, got don davis' book--it's a beautiful book, and extremely helpful. i'd
highly recommend it to anyone just starting or wanting to advance their
happy spring to all (only wish i had more time to enjoy it!)!
tracy (in cincinnati)
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