Tim Skeen on fri 16 apr 99
I have a question about web sites. My site has been up and running for
about two weeks. It was great fun creating it! I have a link page but I
don't know how to go about adding links. I don't want to just add other
potter's addresses without asking first. So I thought the best way to go
about this was to ask any of you out there who has a web site, if you'd be
interested in having your site linked to mine. I am so new to all this, if
this is a silly question please be gentle with the remarks. Tony C. that
means you, I know you told me your bark was bigger than your bite but boy
you sure have a big bark sometimes!
If anyone is interested please e-mail me privately so it won't tie up the
Lee Jaffe on sun 18 apr 99
>I have a link page but I
>don't know how to go about adding links. I don't want to just add other
>potter's addresses without asking first.
I think that it is perfectly ok to check about whether there is some
sort of protocol if you aren't familiar with things. And I'm sure
most members will appreciate you asking. I don't know whether
there is a rule or well-established protocol on links but, for my
part, I figure that if someone went to the trouble of putting up a
Web site and then announcing it via a mailing list, they pretty much
want it to be seen and will appreciate being linked. Asking is time
consuming and probably not necessary. I run several lists or directories
about Web resources and have always acted the insensitive clod and
just added pages as I've found them. Not once in all these years has
anyone asked me to remove a link. In fact, people ask to get added.
I even get mail from some people when they move a page to make sure
I update it properly. So, I'm going to vote that you don't need to
ask people if you link them.
-- Lee Jaffe
jaffe@scruznet.com http://www.jaffebros.com/lee/
Gulliver's Travels http://www.jaffebros.com/lee/gulliver/
New Horizons in Scholarly Communication http://libweb.ucsc.edu/scomm/
Internet Subject Guide http://libweb.ucsc.edu/help/subject.html
Pottery Resources on the Web http://libweb.ucsc.edu/pottery/
Fabienne Cassman on tue 20 apr 99
One caution: companies who have banner advertising. They prefer to have
you enter the web site at the home page where that banner is located rather
than linking directly to the point of interest where they may have no
advertising. Sometimes, you can find a page where they tell you how you
should link to them=3B otherwise, email away.
Good hunting :)
Faye http://clay.justnet.com
Yes, I have learned from my mistakes...
I can reproduce them exactly.
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