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recycle that old dishwhacker etc

updated tue 20 apr 99


Jean Lehman on sat 17 apr 99

This is similar to my clay recycling bin. I took an old apt size
refrigerator, took out the innards, used duct tape to cover the hole in
the back, and put wheels on what was the back. It makes a good airtight
place to store the clay that comes out of the pugmill, and I have used it
for years. They are easy to find when people discard them or sell them
cheaply at garage sales.

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Take an old portable dishwasher (with wheels). ... You now have a clay bin
>on wheels with a drying bat

Jean Lehman, in Lancaster, PA
j_lehman@acad.FandM.EDU (that's an _underscore_ not a hyphen)

Check out the 1998 Strictly Functional Pottery National at:

Evan Dresel on mon 19 apr 99

If you want a recycled refrigerator, I suggest going to a company that
is in the business of disposing of them. If you do it yourself you will
release ozone-depleting compounds to the atmosphere instead of having
them recycled properly. Around here it costs about $35 to dispose of a

While I'm on the subject, for an amusing idea of how to become famous
check out the real fridge-cam at

-- Evan Dresel in W. Richland WA where my garden is tilled but not

Jean Lehman wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> This is similar to my clay recycling bin. I took an old apt size
> refrigerator, took out the innards, used duct tape to cover the hole in
> the back, and put wheels on what was the back. It makes a good airtight
> place to store the clay that comes out of the pugmill, and I have used it
> for years. They are easy to find when people discard them or sell them
> cheaply at garage sales.
> >----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> >
> >Take an old portable dishwasher (with wheels). ... You now have a clay bin
> >on wheels with a drying bat
> ---------------------------->
> Jean Lehman, in Lancaster, PA
> j_lehman@acad.FandM.EDU (that's an _underscore_ not a hyphen)
> Check out the 1998 Strictly Functional Pottery National at: