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large slip cast forms

updated mon 19 apr 99


Sandy LaCross on sun 18 apr 99

I am currently working on developing a slip casting body that will not
shrink as much as my current body. 50% Goldart, 25% OM4, 15%Custer,and
10% flint. I would like to add some AP Green Fireclay as well as some
saggar clay to increase the variety of clay particle sizes.I would also
like to keep the total clay count below 60%.If anyone has any
information on a body that has worked for them please let me know.
Just got back from Michigan State University. We are currently firing
the wood kiln(just got off my shift).The kiln was at about 1500 when I
left. We are planning to be done Sunday at 6:00am. It's been great. We
silkscreened shirts and sold them. We grilled chicken and vegetables.A
number of students from campus came and checked it out.Everyone knows
how much MSU students love fires.MSU CERAMICS has come a long way in the
past few years the department has been rebuilt and the faculty is
wonderful.The students from the painting department come down to
ceramics but they are not quite sure what to make of us.Welp, I am gonna
sign off anyone in the area come check us out.
Curt LaCross