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ron roy's glossy black

updated wed 28 apr 99


Cheryl L Litman on sat 24 apr 99

I tested the last glossy black Ron Roy cone 6 oxidation glaze in my last
firing and it's a georgeous dark black on my standard mines 306 (warm
brown) clay. John Hesselbeth said his was a bit brown/black was mine was
pure black. Don't know what clay he uses.

Next step is to try it in combo with some other's.

Thanks Ron!

Ron Roy Black #2 cone 6 oxidation

Kona F-4 Feldspar 21
Whiting 6
Talc 3
Frit 3134 26
EPK 17
Flint 27


Bentonite 2
Red Iron Oxide 9
Cobalt Carbonate 1

Cheryl Litman
Somerset, NJ

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Ron Roy on tue 27 apr 99

Turns out we all don't see colours the same way - I think this must be the
reason some see my Tenmoku as dark brown while I definitly see it as black.
Perhaps those that see brown when it's actually black should wear dark
glasses - or?

Actually John is doing some tests on the same glaze but with more cobalt -
and is having it tested for cobalt release. He said of the following glaze
- after having it tested at Alfred - it released one of the smallest
amounts of cobalt he had ever seen. John is doing a much needed project -
getting glazes tested for durability and oxide release - What we need is
more potters sending their glazes to be tested at Alfred - and give them
permission to use the recipe in their data base. This project will result
in some limits that will help in predicting durability - If anyone needs
the info for contacting the lab just let me or John know - his email is:


>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>I tested the last glossy black Ron Roy cone 6 oxidation glaze in my last
>firing and it's a georgeous dark black on my standard mines 306 (warm
>brown) clay. John Hesselbeth said his was a bit brown/black was mine was
>pure black. Don't know what clay he uses.
>Next step is to try it in combo with some other's.
>Thanks Ron!
>Ron Roy Black #2 cone 6 oxidation
>Kona F-4 Feldspar 21
>Whiting 6
>Talc 3
>Frit 3134 26
>EPK 17
>Flint 27
>Bentonite 2
>Red Iron Oxide 9
>Cobalt Carbonate 1
>Cheryl Litman
>Somerset, NJ
>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
>or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

Ron Roy
93 Pegasus Trail
Scarborough, Ontario
Canada M1G 3N8
Tel: 416-439-2621
Fax: 416-438-7849

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