May Davies on sun 9 may 99
When I was in Alfred, Val was working on a glaze/ glaze calc. data base. I
was computer illiterate at the time, so that's all I know. For more
information, you can write to the ceramics dept. at Alfred (I don't know who
the current deptartment head is anymore), or I can give Val a call and ask.
Alex Solla, who is also on this list and went to A.U. when I did, may be able
to tell you more. Also, there was a man named Joe Streno, who now lives in
the Seattle area who I believe worked with Val on it, but I may be mistaken.
I don't know that he is on this list, though.
I do remember the name of the program was Hyper Glaze, but I do not know if
it is on the web. Try a search.
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