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information on porcelain tile process

updated wed 19 may 99


Vince Pitelka on tue 18 may 99

Dear Clayart Folks -
I received the following message from Iran. I do not have much nformation
in can offer beyond the basics, and I know that there are many out there in
Clayart land who have far more expertise in tile making. If you have any
suggestions for techniques and equipment, or if you know of tile websites,
please forward them to Alireza Bolourchi at
Thanks -
- Vince

>Dear Vince Pitelka ;
>I will be appreciated it if you kindly send me some information about the
process of manufacturing Porcelain Tile and any equipments needed.
>One Iranian company that is now producing tiles , is looking for an
opportunity to shift to this technology.
>I am looking for this information on Porcelain :
> a.. the process
> b.. the equipments
> c.. equipment manufacturers
> d.. market information
>Please let me know , if I can find such an information on the internet .
>Very truly yours.
>Alireza Bolourchi

Vince Pitelka -
Home 615/597-5376, work 615/597-6801, fax 615/597-6803
Appalachian Center for Crafts
Tennessee Technological University
1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville TN 37166