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luster thinner substitutes

updated wed 19 may 99


Maria Elaine Lanza on tue 18 may 99

Thanks to those of you who responded to my post on the shelf life of
used/older bottles of lusters... happy to hear that despite their age they
are still useable... now, I have a question concerning some luster thinner
substitutes that were recommended... what would you say are the pluses
and/or minuses to using (acetone) nail polish, Xylene, or rubbing alcohol
vs "the" luster thinner. Does anyone know if the chemical constitution of
these really do make a difference of one vs the other? I did get Xylene from
our local Home Depot... tried it yesterday... outside... the stuff has a
strong (probably toxic to the skin) smell... used rubber surgical gloves to
be safe... would prefer a more user friendly luster carrier... does anyone
know if the newer versions of "the" luster thinners are better than their

Marie Elaine