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materials for sale in lexington, ky

updated wed 12 may 99


Your Name on tue 11 may 99

Greetings Clayarters,

Moving to the other end of the country (from Lexington, KY to Eugene,
OR) and I think it would be wise to not lug dry materials. Maybe not
wise, but desirable. Anyway, I have just about everything imaginable as
far as dry materials go, some in 50 pound bags, some in smaller
quantities. Some in 5 gallon lidded buckets, some in smaller sealed
containers. Clays, frits, feldspars, oxides, on and on. I also have
300-400 pounds of Standard #119 stoneware that I no longer use and want
to get rid of. I'll sell the whole lot for $200. Its worth a lot more
but if you come and get it I'll be happy.

drop me a line via email if interested.


Joe Davis