Paula Rubin on wed 28 apr 99
Can someone direct me to some sites for Mosaic and Tile. It would be greatly
Paula Rubin
South Florida
P. Cox on thu 29 apr 99
I'm not sure if you are looking for pretty pictures or know-how source.
But for technical info. there is a site
that you can post a question and the tileman will answer most your
questions within a couple of days, but beware make sure you search the
sites archive for your subject before you ask a question 'cause the
tileman gets testy and will send you there anyway if someone has already
asked that question.
Mason Batchelder on thu 29 apr 99
Dear Paula,
This will give you better results-I am assuming you are online suggesting
this.Go to internet on your menu and when it comes type in a search engine
name(I use LYCOS so I type in LYCOS.COM....)Then, when you get there in the
rectangle enter the word "tile" for a search.It will give you volumes of
tile sites.The Tile Heritage site is a good one, for starters.Now when you
have exhausted this line of inquiry go back and repeat the proscess and
this time enter "MOSAIC" and repeat.These search engines are a wealth of
information and lYCOS is supposed to be the one for our areas that comes back
with the most appropriate responses in the survey studies.
You'll be amazed how much you find.....a lot of our own Clayarters's sites
are to be found that way.
Margaret Arial in Lexington,S.C.(100 miles south of 2001 NCECA site)
muddpie on thu 29 apr 99
a great tile site that has some mosaics on it...
Julie in michigan... where we are enjoying the most wonderful spring weather
this week!!
Paula Rubin wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Can someone direct me to some sites for Mosaic and Tile. It would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Paula Rubin
> South Florida
Estelle Renberger on thu 29 apr 99 are 3 I have bookmarked:
Mosaic Matters-the online mosaic magazine
Mountaintop Mosaics Home
Hopes Framing
Paula Rubin wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Can someone direct me to some sites for Mosaic and Tile. It would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Paula Rubin
> South Florida
Tony Hansen on mon 3 may 99
> Can someone direct me to some sites for Mosaic and Tile. It would be greatly
> appreciated.
There are a lot of new exciting books on Mosaics. If you search for
"mosaic, mosaics" at there are at least 10 there
and another 10 more on tile.
T o n y H a n s e n
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