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polychrome slip

updated fri 14 may 99


Vince Pitelka on thu 13 may 99

>I'm trying to get a grasp of slips ( puns always intended ).
>There is a message in the archives from Vince Pitelka
>SLIP. He says:
> >If you are using slips for polychrome painting, these percentages
> >may not give intense enough colors. In that case you can boost the
> >opacifier in the base batch to 12%, and double or even triple the above
> >oxide percentages. Keep in mind that such powerfully-tinted slips would
> >only be appropriate for thin application, as in polychrome slip-painting.
>Is this then the definition of polychrome slip-painting -
>powerfully-tinted slips appropriate for thin application ? If anyone would
>care to share their experience I would appreciate it.
>And if I ever figure out the difference between engobe and slip

Leslie -
There is considerable disagreement in the definition of engobe, but I prefer
to think that an engobe is a specialized slip, adjusted to work on bone-dry
or bisque-fired wares. That's how I use the term.

Polychrome slip painting just means decoration with multiple colors of slip
(polychrome = many-color).
Good luck -
- Vince

Vince Pitelka -
Home 615/597-5376, work 615/597-6801, fax 615/597-6803
Appalachian Center for Crafts
Tennessee Technological University
1560 Craft Center Drive, Smithville TN 37166