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treat in the mail

updated wed 19 may 99


Ilene Mahler on tue 18 may 99

I got the most wonderful package in the mail, my vessel exchange.I must
have sent great vibes because it was green,You cann't tell any one on an
exchange no blues or purples...but this wonderful green mug on white clay I
don't know what cone or armosphere but Mary from South Carolina you have my
vote on agreat mug..The one I sent to my person in Gainsville Fla Did it
get there....Mine was brown clay cone 10 reduction...I will play with
reduction till Sept...then cone 5 porcelain elerctric.. So any one with
great 5 glazes that will share they will not be used outside of Conn (don't
do the treck any more )after 60 ....Ilene in Conn