cp dunbar on fri 7 may 99
ok, i admit it , i cannot resist this - did you see the movie striptease
where burt reynolds claims to his
right hand man that rubbing vaseline all over his body and walking with it
down between his toes all in his boots is a wonderful sensation? btw lousy
movie for demi............not femenist, just lousy...................
well , i cannot help but think that it is in the eye of the beholder, and
that a toefull of clay would feel
better to us, more religeous, as in the vein of "a potter's companion" -by
larson pottery does have its own spirit
don't you think? the more i talk to potters and turn the clay, the more i
hear a still voice
the calmer i become, except with a passionate piece
passionate piece being defined as one i really liked that exploded in the
jepson says never to fall in love w/ a pot
i agree, i just can't do it
****sounds great guadalupe, thanx, probably even therapeutic, but i would
not trust my children, the youngest
of which (jade) has a shirt that reads, next to mom i love dirt best (maybe
she'll be my potter - child :) )
cp - by the pond where i have a nesting mother goose - protective lady she
the kids are all scared of her, but you rarely read of fatal goose
"Guadalupe L. Robinson" wrote:
> -I have a kid's plastic swimming pool where I put my
> trimmings. I add water as needed to the consistency
> that I want, get my shoes off and step on it. I can do
> sections at a time, get it out with my hands onto boards,
> let it dry for a day or so. You still have to wedge by hand.
> I use a second pool as a top to keep grass and leaves out.
> It works real nicely.
> Guadalupe. Huntsville, Alabama
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