Olivia T Cavy on wed 26 may 99
Hello, all,
I would second Dorothy's comments about Richard's workshop. I was a major
fan of his work before the workshop, which is what got me to the workshop
in the first place. I came away with an even greater appreciation for his
beautiful pots. Watching him work was a joy. He looked like he was
having such fun making his pots, and this enthusiasm was certainly
contageous. So many of his techniques and ideas are so creative and
ingenious that those alone are worth the price of admission. You can talk
with him about why he does things the way he does them, to understand
them better. When I say that the weekend was inspirational, I'm not
I also found it interesting that the group included a number of quite
experienced potters, as well as some with much less experience, and
_everyone_ found things to learn, and left with new things they wanted
to try. It was the classic "something for everyone".
I would also give VERY high marks to Mary Briggs and her staff at the Lee
Arts Center in Arlington, VA, for their well- organized presentation.
This really enhanced the weekend.
There were several active Clayarters in attendance, and apparently a few
Clayart Lurkers. Clayart has become very much a shared experience, to the
point where there are many people I feel I know, even though I've never
met them in person. What's neat is being able to continue the friendships
through email, after getting to know some people even better by meeting
them in person.
Bonnie D. Hellman
Pittsburgh, PA
work email: bdh@firstcaptl.com or oliviatcavy@juno.com
home email: mou10man@sgi.net
On Tue, 25 May 1999 09:13:13 EDT Dorothy Weber writes:
>We just returned from a fantastic workshop given by Richard Aerni. It
>was a
>demonstration type workshop at the Lee Arts Center, in Arlington, VA.
>Watching Richard throw and develop such beautiful lines and finished
>with absolutely minimum trimming was thrilling. We learned a lot about
>balancing the weight in a piece so it can look massive but still be
>light weight. Great decoration ideas and he also gave out everything
>could ask for in the way of information about his fabulous ash glazes
>recipes and application tips. Saturday night we all got together
>socially for
>dinner, including Richard, at Richard's gracious host's home, which
>gave us an opportunity to see another side of many ClayArters in
>If he comes back to give another workshop, don't miss it.
You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html
or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
Barbara Lewis on thu 27 may 99
I echo Dorothy's and Bonnie's comments about the workshop. Kudos to Lee Arts
Center. Enjoyed visiting new and old friends. Thank you, Richard, for
sharing so much. Barbara
At 12:52 PM 5/26/99 EDT, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Hello, all,
>I would second Dorothy's comments about Richard's workshop. I was a major
>fan of his work before the workshop, which is what got me to the workshop
>in the first place. I came away with an even greater appreciation for his
>beautiful pots. Watching him work was a joy. He looked like he was
>having such fun making his pots, and this enthusiasm was certainly
>contageous. So many of his techniques and ideas are so creative and
>ingenious that those alone are worth the price of admission. You can talk
>with him about why he does things the way he does them, to understand
>them better. When I say that the weekend was inspirational, I'm not
>I also found it interesting that the group included a number of quite
>experienced potters, as well as some with much less experience, and
>_everyone_ found things to learn, and left with new things they wanted
>to try. It was the classic "something for everyone".
>I would also give VERY high marks to Mary Briggs and her staff at the Lee
>Arts Center in Arlington, VA, for their well- organized presentation.
>This really enhanced the weekend.
>There were several active Clayarters in attendance, and apparently a few
>Clayart Lurkers. Clayart has become very much a shared experience, to the
>point where there are many people I feel I know, even though I've never
>met them in person. What's neat is being able to continue the friendships
>through email, after getting to know some people even better by meeting
>them in person.
>Bonnie D. Hellman
>Pittsburgh, PA
>work email: bdh@firstcaptl.com or oliviatcavy@juno.com
>home email: mou10man@sgi.net
>On Tue, 25 May 1999 09:13:13 EDT Dorothy Weber writes:
>>We just returned from a fantastic workshop given by Richard Aerni. It
>>was a
>>demonstration type workshop at the Lee Arts Center, in Arlington, VA.
>>Watching Richard throw and develop such beautiful lines and finished
>>with absolutely minimum trimming was thrilling. We learned a lot about
>>balancing the weight in a piece so it can look massive but still be
>>light weight. Great decoration ideas and he also gave out everything
>>could ask for in the way of information about his fabulous ash glazes
>>recipes and application tips. Saturday night we all got together
>>socially for
>>dinner, including Richard, at Richard's gracious host's home, which
>>gave us an opportunity to see another side of many ClayArters in
>>If he comes back to give another workshop, don't miss it.
>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html
>or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
Wellspring Clayworks
5412 Well Spring Road
La Plata, MD 20646
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