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salt and itc

updated mon 31 may 99


Burt Cohen on sun 30 may 99

Thanks Mel for this very informative posting and for sharing all this
valuable information about kiln construction and potential fuel savings
saving with ITC coatings.
They sound useful especially as you point out in rigidifying fibers.
I have heard about ITC quite a lot lately. My question is really how ITC
compares with a number of industrial furnace coatings that have been
around for years and are not as expensive. Have you or any others on the
list experience with these. I have heard of thinning out Saireset or
other Sodium Silicate based mortars and using them to spray on the
hotface of fiber walls to rigidify them. I wonder if this might also add
fuel saving benefits. Again thanks, I wish I had been there.-
Burt Cohen-Northfire Pottery
Armstrong BC