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tom coleman purple

updated thu 10 jun 99


douglas adams on wed 9 jun 99

ooking through some of my old notes from college here is one an instructor
gave me and asked me to try out for his ceramics class. I enjoyed the class
because Mr. Covert didn't object to me running glaze experiments. Any way
one day he comes up to me with a sheet of light brown paper that had been
typed and he said,"here Doug,since you like test glazes try this one." I
took it and tucked it in the back flap of my glaze calculation note book and
sure enough it was still there. It is a three" by five" paper with the title

barium carb. 4.98
dolomite 4.97
colemanite 4.97
whiting 7.96
custer spar (G-200 substiture) 49.75
flint 24.88

Add; tin(zircopax) 1.00 looks like it may have been 1.05 at
one time?
cobalt carb. 0.24%
copper carb. 1.99%

I have typed this as true to the original script I have and it makes no
reference to what cone or oxidation versus reduction, however most of my
glaze tests were at cone ten reduction gas firied.

Anyway whoever was looking for a purple glaze, here one is and I hope you
have fun and good sucess with it!