Lori Pierce on sat 12 jun 99
Lisa, I hate to ask for repeats of these glazes from you, but your
enthusiasm encouraged me when I found, to my surprise that no glazes had
been added to the Clayart database since 1997 , and I had not kept Ron Roy's
glazes or address...Yes it's Floating Blue again...his revision #1 and I
remember there was a #2 also. And the revision of the barium shino. I can't
believe I didn't copy them but I thought, not being a computer person, that
the archives were magically updated each day!! And here is a question I
have been pondering...if one carbonized bisqued pots (as in a charcoal grill
firing) do you believe a carbon trap shino glaze could be accomplished in an
electric kiln, or do you think the oxidizing atmosphere would obliterate the
carbon under the glaze? I know one way to tell, test, test, test...but I had
hoped someone else had also thought of this and tried it. or that 'inquiring
minds KNOW' that carbon cannot be trapped under a glaze in an oxidation
firing. Thanks so much...Lori in New Port Richey Fl.
Liz Willoughby on mon 14 jun 99
Yes, Ron is knows his stuff! Having worked with him at Tucker's for a few
years he deserves a lot of credit for the glazes that he fixes and
formulates. I don't have copies of the glaze recipes, but I can tell you
that I have tried smoking bisque pots in a sawdust firing and then glazing
with shino in a gas fired reduction kiln, and it really wasn't successful.
What works is a carbon trap shino fired in a kiln starting reduction at
cone 012 or 010. I assume that it wouldn't work in an electric kiln if it
didn't work in a gas-fired kiln. Shino is one of those terribly
frustrating glazes that is absolutely breath takingly beautiful when it
works, and then, so so, and then there is that sh green colour that
sometimes happens, or all black, or all crawly or , or, or.....But when it
works, well, nothing is more beautiful, except of course, Ron Roy's Black
Magic Tenmoku.
Just my two cents worth,
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Lisa, I hate to ask for repeats of these glazes from you, but your
>enthusiasm encouraged me when I found, to my surprise that no glazes had
>been added to the Clayart database since 1997 , and I had not kept Ron Roy's
>glazes or address...Yes it's Floating Blue again...his revision #1 and I
>remember there was a #2 also. And the revision of the barium shino. I can't
>believe I didn't copy them but I thought, not being a computer person, that
>the archives were magically updated each day!! And here is a question I
>have been pondering...if one carbonized bisqued pots (as in a charcoal grill
>firing) do you believe a carbon trap shino glaze could be accomplished in an
>electric kiln, or do you think the oxidizing atmosphere would obliterate the
>carbon under the glaze? I know one way to tell, test, test, test...but I had
>hoped someone else had also thought of this and tried it. or that 'inquiring
>minds KNOW' that carbon cannot be trapped under a glaze in an oxidation
>firing. Thanks so much...Lori in New Port Richey Fl.
Liz Willoughby
R.R.# 1
2903 Shelter Valley Rd.
Grafton, Ontario
K0K 2G0
e-mail, lizwill@phc.igs.net
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