Nan Smith on fri 25 jun 99
Dear Diane:
If you are interested in creating you own plaster slump molds a good book to
read is:
"Mold Making for Ceramics" authored by Donald Frith (a Chilton Publication).
Briefly you do not need a separating agent (like the newspaper) when using
plaster molds and clay. The plaster will absorb the water from the clay and
the clay will pull away from the plaster as it shrinks. Separating agents
are used for non-porous mold making materials like latex or rubber. I have
researched and use latex molds with ceramics. I shared this information
through an article "Latex Molds for Ceramics" in CM (February 1996). If you
are interested in this process you can take a look at my website as well.
Good luck with it all.
Nan Smith
University of Florida
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 12:39:11 EDT
From: David & Diane Chen
Subject: question about slump molds
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Okay, I am beginning to realize that my productivity would increase if I =
have some consistency in my product along with diversifying a bit. Since I =
only work with handbuilt items, I thought slump molds might fill the bill. =
when I learned about pottery at the local ceramic place, they had several
plastic yard sale type bowls that you could line with newspaper then drape =
slab over it, and trim accordingly. Once it was a little harder you had to =
the bowl out. I see ads for slump molds and am wondering if I made a slump =
out of (plaster, latex, rubber? WHAT SHOULD BE USED FOR SIMPLE FORMS i.e.
bowls), do I still need to do the newspaper bit and slip the item out before=
is leatherhard?
Nan Smith, Professor
Area Coordinator Ceramics Program
School of Art and Art History
302 FAC
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32611
Office: (352)392-0201, Extension #218
FAX: (352) 392-8453
Kate Champa on fri 8 feb 08
I find rocks, big and small, make great slump molds. Drape the clay
at different angles, on different sides, push hard for texture --
just play around. Makes nice stuff, quick and, dare I say, easy!
Kate Champa, Providence RI
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