Ahmad Mokhtarifard on mon 5 jul 99
What is a fast firing glaze? What raw materials does it need?
what firing conditions? etc..
Thanks a lot.
Yours sincerely,
Ahmad Mokhtarifard
Alex Wilson on tue 6 jul 99
Hello Ahmad, I'll try answering your questions on fast-firing bodies and
Monoporosa/Monocottura; I think may be synonymous and refer to ware that is
once-fired (no bisque) to maturity - in the floor tile industry we use the
term Monocottura.
A fast-fire glaze for this product is formulated using frits and basic raw
materials such as, feldspar, kaolin, ball clay, calcium carbonate, silica,
zinc oxide; with great attention being paid to particle size of the milled
These products are fired in about forty-five minutes in roller-hearth kilns.
As to the 'Protective Glaze'; this might refer to a 'cover-coat' glaze,
usually clear, used to protect screen or otherwise printed surfaces from
excessive wear.
Sorry, I'm not at liberty to post specific formulae on this list.
Is your friend starting a production facility, and where are you? I may be
able to give you some contact numbers/addresses, depending upon your location.
Ahmad Mokhtarifard on sat 10 jul 99
Dear friend,
For a friend who is investing on clay products, I need the
following information pertaining to "fast firing glaze" and
"protective glaze."
The following items are of most importance:
- raw materials (percentage of each constituent if possible)
- grain size
- suitable biscuits
- firing conditions
- any other important information that may be needed.
These information would be used in actual workshops.
Thanks for your consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Ahmad Mokhtarifard
Tony Hansen on tue 17 aug 99
> What is a fast firing glaze? What raw materials does it need?
> what firing conditions? etc..
Check out the web page at
It is written by Todd Barson, Product Manager, Ceramic Frit,
Ferro Corporation, Cleveland, OH
T o n y H a n s e n thansen@digitalfire.com
Don't fight the dragon alone http://digitalfire.com
Calculation/Database Software for Ceramic Industry
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