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book ordered - charged to credit card and never received

updated wed 28 jul 99


Karin Hurt THAT IS MY REAL NAME my e-mail is: on fri 16 jul 99


the lesson to be learned from this...?Don't order anything from the Internet,
not even from a clay art outfit?
Karin Hurt

Jocelyn Olivia Mc Auley on sun 18 jul 99

On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Karin Hurt THAT IS MY REAL NAME my e-mail is: wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Clayworks
> the lesson to be learned from this...?Don't order anything from the Internet,
> not even from a clay art outfit?
> Karin Hurt

Ummm no. I don't think that is the lesson learned. Don't blame the all
encomassing internet, instead blame Clayworks.

Your email is a bit short to deduce what the situation is. Have you
cantacted the company about your complaint? Is the package simply in
transit? It is a common procedure, when credit cards are used, to charge
the credit card for the product then ship it out. You may have simply not
have received your order yet.

The Internet shouldn't be blamed for problems with the companies that use
it. You would have run into the same complication had you phoned in your
order to this company instead of ordering on line.

Bob Hanlin on sun 18 jul 99

Call your credit card company and tell them to not bill you for it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Karin Hurt THAT IS MY REAL NAME my e-mail is:
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 6:21 PM
Subject: Book ordered - charged to credit card and never received

>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Clayworks
>the lesson to be learned from this...?Don't order anything from the
>not even from a clay art outfit?
>Karin Hurt

douglas adams on sun 18 jul 99

At 11:42 AM 7/16/99 EDT, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Clayworks
>the lesson to be learned from this...?Don't order anything from the Internet,
>not even from a clay art outfit?
>Karin Hurt
>Dear Karin,
I used axner and my credit card and had a very pleasant experience. They
sent my order within three days and shipped all the books at one time. If
you call the credit card company and explain the situation they may be able
to help you aquire a refund. Thanks for the warning and I'll stay away from
these people!

Ray Aldridge on tue 27 jul 99

At 01:48 PM 7/18/99 EDT, you wrote:
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Karin Hurt said
>> the lesson to be learned from this...?Don't order anything from the
>> not even from a clay art outfit?
>> Karin Hurt
>Ummm no. I don't think that is the lesson learned. Don't blame the all
>encomassing internet, instead blame Clayworks.
>The Internet shouldn't be blamed for problems with the companies that use
>it. You would have run into the same complication had you phoned in your
>order to this company instead of ordering on line.

Amen! Please don't blame the net for the frauds who inhabit corners of it,
because it's the net that's going to save the small manufacturer (that's
us) from extinction. It's only through the net that artists such as
potters and writers will be able to reach their audiences directly, without
the intervention and control of middlemen.

Look into the various certifying services that have recently sprung up on
the net-- these sites provide monitoring of net businesses, record
complaints, and allow potential customers to know if others have had
problems with a particular business. You'll be able to complain in a
manner that's targeted and effective.
