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cracked pots

updated wed 22 may 02


Joyce Lee on mon 19 jul 99

I'm changing my mind on this one, too. Cracks that render a functional
pot unfunctional ... not sure. But, for example, one of the pots in my
"headed for the dump" pile is a round, porcelaineous, too thick "pot"
with a copper red glaze that turned green (I think because it didn't
cool correctly?). In addition, one side hung over the shelf very close
to the flame ... which resulted in a nice large, round section of copper
red blending into the green. So far, so good. Like it. BUT that same
round section had two deep, all-the-way-through the wall cracks
bordering the large red spot, deep, wide, smooth-edged cracks which
fully exposed the white porcelaineous body and outlining the copper red.
All I saw was that this pot wouldn't hold water and didn't turn red
enough. I hung on to it for a while simply because it demonstrates
several "do not do as I do" concepts. Valice saw it and said that she
thought I'd created the crack on purpose. My perspective changed. And,
yes, I would cheerfully sell it ... except that I want to keep it
myself. Besides, an award winner at one of the local college shows was
titled what else but "cracked pot." Very large, filled a corner, and had
deep cracks in several areas ... lovely, interesting, intriguing. It's
all in the eyes.

In the MOjave

Arnolds Home Improvements on sun 19 may 02

Hello all !!!

I am having a problem that is new to me, pots that I spray with terra sig
are cracking. They crack mainly at the rim. It doesn't seem to matter if the
rim is thick or thin. Not all pots crack just the pretty one's. (ain't that
the way it goes??) They seem to crack as the terra sig is drying after it
has been buffed, but sometimes they will crack in the bisque firing.

I use Standard 239 raku clay, bisque fire to cone 08 and spray on three
coats of terra sig.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

Thanks in advance for any help!!!!

Gene Arnold

Bacia Edelman on sun 19 may 02

Gene: I used to spray terra sigillata. But every aspect of
what I did and you now do could be different. First, I never
used that clay. Second, it is possible that you are
spraying too heavy a coat of terra sig. 3 times.
It is a frustrating problem and I cannot from the distance of
cyberspace think of anything except: to try thinner coats of terra
sig. And are you applying it and buffing on bone dry ware?
If not, try that. Or try another clay body if possible.
Good luck. Of course it is frustrating. I hope you can
find your way out by experimenting.
Bacia Edelman

At 04:16 PM 05/19/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello all !!!
>I am having a problem that is new to me, pots that I spray with terra sig
>are cracking. They crack mainly at the rim. It doesn't seem to matter if
>rim is thick or thin. Not all pots crack just the pretty one's. (ain't that
>the way it goes??) They seem to crack as the terra sig is drying after it
>has been buffed, but sometimes they will crack in the bisque firing.
>I use Standard 239 raku clay, bisque fire to cone 08 and spray on three
>coats of terra sig.
>Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!
>Thanks in advance for any help!!!!
>Gene Arnold
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Bacia Edelman Madison, Wisconsin

claybair on tue 21 may 02

My mysterious rim cracking vanished when I started being very careful not to
tap or accidentally knock them. I was wondering if you could be creating
cracks if you tap the rim when you are burnishing it.
Gayle Bair
Bainbridge Island, WA

-----Original Message-----
From: Arnolds Home Improvements

Hello all !!!

I am having a problem that is new to me, pots that I spray with terra sig
are cracking. They crack mainly at the rim. It doesn't seem to matter if the
rim is thick or thin. Not all pots crack just the pretty one's. (ain't that
the way it goes??) They seem to crack as the terra sig is drying after it
has been buffed, but sometimes they will crack in the bisque firing.

I use Standard 239 raku clay, bisque fire to cone 08 and spray on three
coats of terra sig.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

Thanks in advance for any help!!!!

Gene Arnold