Peter Atwood on wed 21 jul 99
Hi All,
I'm looking for a ^9-10 matt green glaze for fountains. Ideally I'd like
something that is not too dark and has some variation in it and not a
chrome/cobalt concoction. A potter I know uses a glaze that he called Hamada
Green and that would be appropriate for this purpose. Does anyone have a
recipe for such a glaze?
Peter Atwood
Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
June Perry on thu 22 jul 99
found it in the archives. Cone 10
Custer Feldspar 53
Barium Carbonate 21
Whiting 9
Zinc Oxide 9
OM4 Ball clay 1
Rutile 2
Copper Carbonate 3
Red Iron Oxide 2.5
Bentonite 2
Don & June MacDonald on thu 22 jul 99
>From a group of glaze recipes someone gave me from Glendale College:
Hamada Mat(t?)
Potash feldspar 72.1
Ball Clay 14.2
Whiting 12.3
Zinc Oxide 11.1
Barium Carbonate 1.4
Red Iron Oxide 3.5
Rutile 2.8
Copper Carbonate .4
I have never tried this recipe, but if I did I would either leave the
Barium out or sub. Strontium Carb.
Peter Atwood wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hi All,
> I'm looking for a ^9-10 matt green glaze for fountains. Ideally I'd like
> something that is not too dark and has some variation in it and not a
> chrome/cobalt concoction. A potter I know uses a glaze that he called Hamada
> Green and that would be appropriate for this purpose. Does anyone have a
> recipe for such a glaze?
> TIA,
> Peter Atwood
> _______________________________________________________________
> Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
Donald G. Goldsobel on thu 22 jul 99
The Rx for this glaze was published in Clay Times along with a photo of a
vase glzed with it. It was green and brown . Perhaps someone with a
collection of back issues can help you.
Donald Goldsobel in the San Fernando Valley where it is very warm, but dry
as a bone.
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Hi All,
>I'm looking for a ^9-10 matt green glaze for fountains. Ideally I'd like
>something that is not too dark and has some variation in it and not a
>chrome/cobalt concoction. A potter I know uses a glaze that he called Hamada
>Green and that would be appropriate for this purpose. Does anyone have a
>recipe for such a glaze?
>Peter Atwood
>Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
Ron Roy on fri 23 jul 99
Just a few notes on this glaze - I am assuming it's a cone 10R glaze - it
may not melt very well even at that temperature. If it is to be fired in
reduction you can omit the Zinc Oxide - it will not be there to help with
the melt - OK try it both ways and let us know what happens.
It is also going to craze on any body I have ever seen. The Strontium sub
would be 1.0 instead of Barium at 1.4
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Hamada Mat(t?)
>Potash feldspar 72.1
>Ball Clay 14.2
>Whiting 12.3
>Zinc Oxide 11.1
>Barium Carbonate 1.4
>Red Iron Oxide 3.5
>Rutile 2.8
>Copper Carbonate .4
>I have never tried this recipe, but if I did I would either leave the
>Barium out or sub. Strontium Carb.
Ron Roy
93 Pegasus Trail
Scarborough, Ontario
Canada M1G 3N8
Tel: 416-439-2621
Fax: 416-438-7849
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